A protester against China's Uighur detention camps in Xinjiang in a file photo. Photo: Asia Times Files / AFP / Ozan Kose

Condemnation of Israel’s invasion of Gaza has dominated the news, mobilized civil society groups to launch protests, and drawn rebukes from world leaders.

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has called the death and destruction in Gaza “unprecedented.” On June 10, the foreign ministers of the BRICS countries similarly criticized the “unprecedented escalation of violence” in Gaza and “Israel’s continued blatant disregard of international law.” 

In December 2023, the UN overwhelmingly approved a demand for a humanitarian cease-fire.  On May 10, by a vote of 143 to 9, the UN General Assembly voted to urge the Security Council to upgrade Palestine from an observer to a UN member state. (The US voted against both measures.)

This contrasts with the world’s reaction to another case of “blatant disregard” for the human rights of a colonized population: China’s mistreatment of Uighurs and other Muslim minority peoples in Xinjiang Province. 

In October 2022, by a vote of 19 to 17 (with 11 abstentions), UN member states blocked the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) from debating the issue of PRC government policy in Xinjiang. Of the 19 countries that voted against debate, nine are Muslim-majority and two others are nearly half Muslim. 

The relatively lower levels of global visibility of and outrage over Xinjiang versus Gaza are explained by two features of today’s international political landscape:

  • the ideological fault line between the democracies and the Global South; and
  • China’s ability to leverage its economic and diplomatic power to support Beijing’s foreign policy goals.

The severe and widespread mistreatment of Uighurs and other Muslim minorities in Xinjiang by the Chinese government is welldocumented. The crackdown stemmed from Beijing’s conclusion that politicized Islam was radicalizing Uighurs to favor separatism and to commit terrorist acts in China.

The Chinese government’s response includes the mass incarceration of one to two million Muslims, often on flimsy pretexts. There are many allegations of forced labor, rape and torture of detainees. The Chinese government is also trying by various means to eradicate core Islamic religious beliefs and practices.

There is evidence of unusually large numbers of deaths of Uighurs in detention. The number of fatalities caused by PRC officials is likely in the thousands and could plausibly be higher than the number of Palestinians killed in the Gaza war. 

An important difference, however, is that the Hamas government in Gaza has an interest in reporting and even inflating the number of Palestinians killed in the war, while the Chinese government has every incentive to hide the deaths of incarcerated Uighurs. 

Sympathy for the Uighurs fits into the pre-existing agenda of the industrialized democracies. These governments have a decades-old project to promote liberal values globally and to exert pressure on illiberal regimes to comply with international laws, treaties and covenants based on liberal norms. 

They expect bad behavior by the authoritarian states, and have built up systems to monitor and publicize it. They view the PRC as a habitual human rights abuser. The discovery by Western human rights activists and journalists of large-scale persecution of Uighurs beginning around 2014 was only the latest case in a familiar pattern.

There is a parallel intellectual framework on the other side. Sympathy for the Palestinians flows easily from a longstanding set of related grievances among Arab states over Western imperialism in the Middle East and the state of Israel’s alleged illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

Specific grievances toward America include anger over US military interventions in the Middle East intended to shape the region to suit US interests, resentment over US support for Israel and perceived US animus toward Islam. These Araab states have no comparable grievances toward China.

In short, the Global South has long been primed to criticize Israel but not China, while the industrialized democracies are the opposite.

This difference was already evident in the UN, where Global South states outnumber the democracies, before the outbreak of the war in Gaza. In 2022, the UN General Assembly passed 15 (nearly identical) resolutions condemning Israel, but none condemning human rights violations in China.

An illustrative showdown over Xinjiang occurred in July 2019, when 22 countries sent a letter to the UNHRC condemning China’s mass incarceration of Muslim minorities in Xinjiang. All were liberal democracies and US allies or close security partners.

A few days later, a different group of 37 countries sent a dissenting letter to the UNHCR. The second letter expressed “firm opposition to relevant countries’ practice of politicizing human rights issues, by naming and shaming, and publicly exerting pressures on other countries,” and demanded that “relevant countries … refrain from employing unfounded charges against China.”

Except for the Philippines, then led by the pro-China President Rodrigo Duterte, the signatories of the second letter were non-democracies from the Global South, plus North Korea and Russia.

China has successfully managed its relationships with the Global South states to suppress criticism of PRC misdeeds in Xinjiang. The obvious explanation is that these governments, many of which have poor human rights records themselves, care far more about access to Chinese investment and markets than about advocating for oppressed minorities inside China. 

Nevertheless, given the importance of religious solidarity as a force in international affairs — as seen in the support of Muslim communities around the world for their co-religionists in Gaza – the failure of even the Muslim-majority states to press Beijing on its conduct in Xinjiang is especially disappointing.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is fundamentally hostile toward religion, including Islam. Even in the 1980s, when the Chinese government was far more tolerant toward religion than it is today, the Party’s Document 19 described religion as a “primitive” holdover of pre-socialist history that “will eventually disappear from human history” and specified that “a Communist Party member cannot be a religious believer.”

Later, the Chinese government would view religion through the harsh lens of “the three evil forces of terrorism, extremism and separatism.” More recently, PRC propaganda replaces the term “extremism” with “religious extremism,” implying an unwillingness to passively wait for religion to “disappear.”  

The rollback of civic space for religion has increased under Xi Jinping. Xi’s policy aims to preserve a controlled form of Islam as a showpiece while discouraging it from spreading and ensuring that it amplifies the Party’s social and political agenda. In new regulations enacted this year, the Chinese government requires that religious instruction must be “patriotic” and religious texts interpreted “in a correct manner.”

Religious buildings must incorporate Chinese styles in their architecture and ornamentation. In practice, government authorities have for several years removed the minarets and domes from mosques throughout the country, a physical manifestation of the Communist Party doctrine that religion should have Chinese characteristics – meaning fealty to the party, not some foreign-based clergy, as the ultimate authority. In the case of many other mosques, particularly in Xinjiang, the government has simply destroyed them.

None of this – not the outright persecution of Muslim Chinese, not the distortion of religious teachings into cheerleading for the Chinese government, not the attempt to usurp the ecclesiastical authority of Muslim leaders outside of China – should be acceptable to the Muslim world.

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has 57 member countries, 48 of which have Muslim-majority populations. The organization’s stated purpose is “to assist Muslim minorities and communities outside the member states to preserve their dignity, cultural and religious identity.” 

In August 2023, the Chinese government took delegates from the OIC on a government-managed tour of parts of Xinjiang. Beijing apparently achieved its presumed objective.  According to various media reports, the delegates had nothing but praise for PRC government policy in Xinjiang. 

They noted “the prosperity and development of China’s Xinjiang under good governance” as evinced by “the smiles on the faces of people of all ethnic groups.” A Pakistani delegate said the tour would “help to address the misconceptions attached with the region.” 

All but three OIC member states signed agreements to join China’s Belt and Road Initiative. To augment its economic leverage, Beijing employs several diplomatic tactics to win over Muslim countries. Beijing claims to be a champion of the Third World and specifically extolls the non-intervention of countries in each other’s internal affairs. 

While angry at the US, many Arabs see China as a benign outside power that only wants mutually beneficial trade and investment and is therefore a welcome counterweight against US domination.

China has cultivated media partnerships in the Middle East in which Arab countries disseminate Chinese propaganda. Consequently, media in these countries often amplify the Chinese narrative on Xinjiang, treat Western allegations about human rights abuses as propaganda or avoid reporting the allegations altogether.

In an interview with a Saudi newspaper in 2019, for example, PRC Foreign Minister Wang Yi served up Beijing’s spin, saying China’s management of “terrorist organizations” in Xinjiang “is essentially in tune with Saudi Arabia’s counter-terrorism and de-radicalization efforts” and “has been welcomed and supported by people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang, including the Muslim community.” 

The PRC government uses its Chinese Islamic Association to reinforce the message to other governments that China is a benign and legitimate host of Muslim communities. The PRC government also sponsors conferences in Muslim countries that bring in Chinese Uighurs who speak in support of Beijing’s narrative. While destroying mosques in China, the Chinese built one in Algeria.

Such efforts help preclude pressure that might otherwise arise from Muslim societies on their national leaders to voice support for the Uighurs.

The group of states that most explicitly dismisses criticism over Xinjiang and also supports Hamas is the authoritarian bloc of China, Russia, North Korea and Iran. Anti-Israel and more general anti-Semitic messaging from China has increased dramatically since the beginning of the Gaza war. 

On the other hand, the countries that most strongly support Israel and the Uighurs are the Western liberal democracies, including the US, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Australia, which see the authoritarians as potential military adversaries.

Tragically, human rights are becoming one of several ways the new cold war is bifurcating the political world, with each part of the world caring about certain oppressed communities but not others.

Denny Roy is a senior fellow at the East-West Center, Honolulu.

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  1. You’re talking about the totalitarian Chinese Communist Party dictatorship. Nobody is surprised by any level of cruelty, torture, executions and imprisonment they inflict on their own people. Not to mention that right now the hideously cruel annual YULIN DOG AND CAT TORTURE “FESTIVAL” is underway. Cats will be skinned ALIVE. Man’s best friend will be blow torched and boiled ALIVE. Can you possibly even imagine the suffering these intelligent, sensitive animals experience? No animal is closer to humans than dogs. Dogs made human civilization possible. The Chinese Communist Party sanctions that cruelty as a way to prepare the Chinese population to inflict cruelty on HUMANS. Those who torment animals commonly go on to commit horrible acts against people. That’s why the CCP sanctions such hideous animal cruelty. CRUELTY is the CCP’s stock in trade.

  2. The traditional Uyghur culture does not represent liberal Western values in any way. This is a strange dark spot in the mind of this writer. According to CCP politics, all children have right to education. Unlike in the traditional uyghur culture, this includes girls who until recently have been held home and sold for wives or slaves.
    Another point is nutrition. CCP provides three meals a day for school children. Undernourishment has been an everyday reality in the rural Uyghur villages.
    You cannot get a job in China unless you speak Mandarin. Illiterate migrant workers who only speak Uyghur are in desperate situation with drug use and HIV epidemic.
    Let’s see the Western “liberators” fix these social problems!
    Enough of carrying water to the belligerent hegemony of the US!

    1. Everybody knows why the infamously cruel Chinese Communist Party adamantly refuses to allow inspectors from the UN, Human Rights Orgs or Red Cross inside the the high cement, barb wired walls of the giant, horrific prisons all across Xinjiang. THEY ARE COMMITING GENOCIDE AGAINST THE UYGHUR PEOPLE. And nothing is “stranger” or “darker” than the genocidal, animal torturing CCP.

  3. The crimes committed by the Chinese Communist Party against the Uyghurs is sad but hardly surprising. The Chinese Communist party has long history of cruelty. Mao starved and murdered tens of millions of Chinese. That epic level of Stalinist cruelty ended – for a time – with Deng Xao Ping [Tienanmen notwithstanding]. But Xi Xinping has turned back the clock. He’s demonstrated he is capable inflicting a great deal of suffering to get what he wants. But he tries to pretend otherwise. That’s why he won’t allow the UNHCR, Red Cross or human rights investigators to inspect the vast prison system in Xinjiang. But Xi’s fear of inspections makes it appear the long list of accusations of human rights crimes [including “Genocide” ) are true.

  4. Quoting western propaganda tools doesn’t prove anything. The Muslim world knows that militants from Xinjiang fought in Afghanistan and Syria. Muslim tourists from all over the globe go to China – including Xinjiang and Hui Muslim areas to see that Islam is practiced. Guess what… Even Muslim majority countries take measures against extremists. So most Muslim countries are not buying what you are selling.

  5. I’m glad I read the comment section first otherwise I would have waste a few minutes of my precious time on this garbage piece.

  6. Wow! What a comparison! So far-fetched. Ridiculous. The sources for the arguments, if you take the time to look at them, are almost all from U.S. agencies and propaganda organs. There are so many brilliant accounts of what is happening in Xinjiang if he wanted to look at them. There is no doubt that there ARE Muslim terrorist groups in the province, supported by outside powers. The question is: how do you deal with terrorists? This is China’s sophisticated way. What is the U.S. approach??

  7. This essay is all over the place. The reality is that all the great powers have rotten records to a greater or lesser degree. Since the fall of the Ottoman Empire, there has been nothing but trouble in the Middle East. China doesn’t have a record of violence against the Arabs like the Western Powers do, so naturally the Arabs view China more favourably.

    Regards Xinjiang. Before China’s modernisation drive, the economy was subsistence farming and handicrafts. It was obviously unacceptable to allow it continue. China has been regimenting its people to achieve its economic and social objectives since the CPC took over in 1949. Xinjiang, a remote region, just happens to be the last on the list, so, happening now, it is more visible.

  8. Thanks to Xi Xinping’s oppressive regime more Chinese than ever are fleeing China for the US, Australia and any democracy that’ll let them in. Here in the US we ate glad to have them. They work hard, raise solid families with TWO parents and their children go to universities, making America stronger in the process.

      1. I agree. The comments software leaves a lot to be desired. It is in AT’s interest to improve it, because websites that draw the most comments have the most readers.

  9. Show us nightly film of China bombing hospitals and kindergartens in Xinjiang and then ask your question.

    1. First off, nobbody is fooled by your phony western sounding name, Chang. The hideous human rights crimes committed by your CCP slave masters is simple matter of record. Every human rights org has confirmed the genocide in Xinjiang. That’s why[as this article pointed out] you are afraid of UN and Red Cros inspections of all the prisons.

      1. “every human rights org”…. no… Western NGO’s that follow political agendas. Thinking you know better than Muslim countries is exactly why most don’t cooperate with your type.

  10. What a poorly written article by an author with no original thoughts and critical thinking. The author should just go on a tour to Xinjiang and he will find it more peaceful than most cities in USA. Xinjiang is just another false narratives by USA for covid, just like what they did for covid. Now Gaza is a real genocide with Isreal saying out loud that they intend to eradicate a whole segment of a population.

  11. why are you lamenting more about xinjiang which is doing just fine instead of GAZA which is suffering from a true, ongoing, heinous genocide by israel and friends ???

    1. Hamas CELEBRATES Palestinian casualties. They call it “blood for the revolution”. That’s why there’s 300 miles of tunnels but not one single bomb shelter for the people. And that’s why they hoard the food and medicine. Meanwhile the hyper corrupt Hamas leaders who became billionaires and millionaires by stealing foreign aid are all hiding out away from the war in luxury villas in Qatar.

      In 1952 150K Palestinian Israelis were given citizenship. Today they number 2.1 MILLION. That’s a 1650% INCREASE in population and the extreme OPPOSITE of “genocide”. If Jews had experienced such a genocide in Europe there’s by 125M Jews in the world today instead of 15M and it wouldn’t be so easy for you to spread your racist, anti semitic propaganda. Throughout history when a govt came to oppress the Jews they were a dictatorship who oppressed everybody else too. So it’s no surprise that they Communist Party has become anti semitic even though there’s no Jews in China. Jews = Liberty. The CCP = SLAVERY.

  12. ALL the Muslim-majority countries condemn the genocide of Gaza, but NONE are on board the US-created false narrative of a “genocide” in Xinjiang.

    1. I agree. We desperately need alternative views to our own but there has to be a basic standard of objectivity and professionalism and this article enjoys neither

  13. The difference – Gaza genocide is reality , While western hype about china anti-Muslim is fake news, It’s a pure USA’s geopolitics disinformation war on china.

    No amount of deflection and misinformation from this Author so called journalist can change the reality.

  14. The Chinese Communist Party is a murder and oppression machine. They’ve murdered tens of MILLIONS of Chinese since 1949. They don’t just torture, imprison and murder the Uhigur. They use them for slave labor. The CCFP persecutes every minority in China, wrecks the environment, sanctions the horrific torture of animals, threatens it’s neighbors in the region who pose no threat to China and uses it’s bizarre Political Credit System and surveillance technology [stolen from the west] to try and turn every citizen in China into a perfectly obedient robot. And before long they will require all Chinese citizens to be implanted with an interface that will give the CCP science fiction powers to actually reduce the Chinese people to robots. Of course that’s why so many Chinese are fleeing to the democracies.

  15. North America and Australia should get more attention than Gaza. No racial genocide is so great, so thorough, so complete and land-grabs so large as those in these 2 continents.

    1. IE You’re a paid troll who helps the hideous Chinese Communist Party oppress your own people. How did you become so totally amoral? Were you raised in a Communist Party run orphanage?

      1. 2 to be free:

        1. From the river to the sea Palestine will be free
        2. From North America to Australia white occupied continents will be free

  16. Oooh look another Grant Newsham. As if giving voice to one US neocon isn’t enough.

  17. Again an anti-China campaign from US apologist who had got a large payout from the Congress funding. We see the inhumanity and hypocrisy of the so-called Western liberal democracies. West which was involved in promoting anti semitism and eventually unleashed the holocaust now allows the same Jewish community to unleash genocide on the Palestinian people. To cover up the crimes the author based on false narratives dished out by the anti-communist centres in the West to deflect the widespread anger of vast majority.
    If the US can only come out with two old men, one is a fraud and the other is senile, to compete for the presidency, the political system is rotten to the core. It is time expose the western powers and their agenda.

    1. They call trolls like you the “.50 Army” because you help the hideous Chinese Communist Party torture, murder and oppress your own people for a few measly Yuan. You were obviously raised without even a shred of normal morals or a human heart. The CCP commits genocide in Xinjiang and uses the Uighur for slave labor. Every minority in China is persecuted. The CCP wrecks the environment. threatens regional neighbors who pose no threat to China and sanctions animal torture that’s so gruesome that merely describing it would get this message deleted. You support Putin’s war crimes and murder of Russians, the epically cruel Kims in N. Korea,Khamenei who tortures,murders and imprisons Iranians by the countless thousands, the Houthi who starve and enslave their own people, Hamas and it’s brutal terrorism and oppression of Palestinians and the Arabs who ENSLAVE two MILLION black Africans in N. Africa. The fact is the Chinese Communist Party is allied ONLY with countries that commit crimes against humanity. They don’t have even one humane govt. they can call an ally. They don’t want it. They need to be allied with govts. that turn a blind eye to CCP atrocities.

      1. The Uyghur genocide story holds even less water than the Pentagon’s anti-Sinovac story.
        Just like Curveball’s Iraqi WMD story and the 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident, the Uyghur genocide, Sinovac rumours, BRI debt trap and Chinese overcapacity are misinformation campaigns by US agencies and allied think tanks and NGOs.
        If you doubt me, just Google and fact check any of the above.