A silicon carbide semiconductor wafer in the final stages of production. SiC chips have become highly popular with the demand for EVs and renewable energy sources growing. Image: X Screengrab

Germany’s Infineon Technologies has started production at the first phase of its new fab in Kulim, Malaysia, which it expects to become the largest and most competitive 200-millimeter silicon carbide (SiC) power semiconductor production facility in the world.

Known as Kulim 3, the new fab follows the opening of Kulim 1 in 2006 and Kulim 2 in 2016, reinforcing Infineon’s long-term commitment to semiconductor manufacturing in Malaysia. SiC power devices are key to the production of more efficient electric vehicles.

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim and Chief Minister of the northern state of Kedah, where the fab is located, joined Infineon CEO Jochen Hanebeck for the official August 8 launch ceremony.

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