All Articles By Jan Krikke, Columnist at Asia Times Covering geo-political news and current affairs across Asia Thu, 15 Aug 2024 05:25:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 All Articles By Jan Krikke, Columnist at Asia Times 32 32 173017365 De-dollarization the path to global financial freedom Fri, 09 Aug 2024 08:43:27 +0000

Economic and financial sanctions often backfire. The most notable example is the weaponization of the dollar against Russia. The measure has sparked a global movement to de-dollarize, the opposite of the punitive move’s strategic intent. The historic miscalculation didn’t stop US Senator Marco Rubio of Florida from introducing a bill in Congress to punish countries […]

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Cryptos, gold and the end of the dollar Wed, 03 Jul 2024 13:09:26 +0000

A growing number of macroeconomists and financial analysts are sounding the alarm about the exploding US national debt, now approaching US$35 trillion or 120% of GDP. Interest payments on the debt have become the largest item in the US national budget, ahead of defense spending and entitlements. In early June, former US House Speaker Paul […]

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AI won’t save us but cybernetics could Sat, 11 May 2024 04:15:54 +0000

Popular Chinese economist Lu Qiyuan recently claimed the US has four years to prevent a major political, social and financial crisis. It must do at least one of three things: implement structural political reform; prevent the dollar from losing its role as the global reserve currency; or create a new wave of economic growth driven […]

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Why it’s China’s turn now Tue, 16 Apr 2024 10:51:52 +0000

In the second half of the 20th century, scholars and macrohistorians like Alvin Toffler, Francis Fukuyama and Paul Kennedy developed so-called grand narratives to predict future trends. They covered different aspects of society including ideology, technology, religion and culture. The macrohistorians used these models to predict major historical changes in economics, power relations and geopolitics. […]

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Connecting Indian cosmology, Western psychology and AI Wed, 27 Mar 2024 13:15:10 +0000

“Everything that humans are doing now – gathering, analyzing and processing data – will be done by AI. Ten years from now, consciousness (chitta) will be valued over knowledge. This is the time human beings can focus on consciousness.” – Indian spiritual teacher Sadhguru For well over a century, the Indian worldview and Vedic-inspired spirituality […]

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The Western fight against the tide of history Mon, 29 Jan 2024 07:46:58 +0000

Talk of war is getting louder in the West. The German minister of defense proclaimed this month that Germany has to rebuild its army, as did his British colleague. At the start of the war in Ukraine two years ago, the Western media depicted the Russian military as hopelessly ineffective, outdated, and corrupt. Yet in […]

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New perspective on the Asian Century Wed, 06 Dec 2023 04:23:48 +0000

“I see potential in Asia going from strength to strength, and not just in terms of business opportunities and economic development but in imagining a new planetary future.” – Sohail Inayatullah, UNESCO chairman in futures studies Nearly 100 years ago, in 1924, German diplomat Karl Haushofer introduced the term “Pacific age.” Haushofer anticipated the emergence […]

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Redesigning global finance Fri, 15 Sep 2023 05:38:40 +0000

Central banks and financial institutions around the world are working on the internationalization of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The global network will be able to process cross-border payments in real time. The next step could be the “tokenization” of all tradable assets, anything from equities and real estate to gold. In the coming years, […]

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Fear of AI in the West is misdirected Mon, 07 Aug 2023 07:04:16 +0000

The fear of artificial intelligence is largely a Western phenomenon. It is virtually absent in Asia. In contrast, East Asia sees AI as an invaluable tool to relieve humans of tedious, repetitive tasks and to deal with the problems of aging societies. AI brings productivity gains comparable to the ICT (information and communications technology) revolution […]

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How the caste system ends Fri, 28 Apr 2023 08:33:21 +0000

In the 1980s, the American futurist Lawrence Taub developed a macro-history based on Hindu cosmology that shows a path to the end of the notorious caste system. His book The Spiritual Imperative Sex, Age, and the Last Caste maps actual linear history to the Varna cycle that forms the basis of Vedic cosmology, the root […]

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Democracy is struggling with itself Mon, 20 Mar 2023 08:57:05 +0000

Democracies have had a dismal start in the 21st century. Opinion surveys around the world show a counter-intuitive trend: Citizens of democratic nations are more pessimistic about the future of their countries than people living in quasi-democratic or one-party states, often by wide margins. Similar trends can be seen when people are asked about the […]

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The US, China, and the Thucydides trap Thu, 02 Feb 2023 12:45:27 +0000

In 2012, the American political scientist Graham T Allison argued that the US and China were on a collision course for war. Allison claimed that fear of China had led the US to fall into the “Thucydides trap.” Allison was referring to the Greek historian Thucydides, who chronicled the war between Sparta and Athens. Thucydides […]

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Revisiting ‘The Tao of Physics’ Tue, 24 Jan 2023 04:18:56 +0000

Science does not need mysticism and mysticism does not need science, but man needs both. – Fritjof Capra In 1975, the American physicist Fitjof Capra published the first edition of his best-selling book The Tao of Physics. Capra described the parallels between the ancient Chinese notion of Tao and the subatomic world of particles revealed […]

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The road to the end of history runs through Asia Tue, 03 Jan 2023 06:48:47 +0000

In 1989, Francis Fukuyama published his widely cited paper “The End of History?” Fukuyama argued that the disintegration of the Soviet Union was a victory of liberal democracy over authoritarianism and the end of (ideological) history. The rest of the world would inevitably follow the only path left: Western liberal democracy. From a Western, 1990s […]

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The yin and yang of metamodernism Tue, 27 Dec 2022 03:59:33 +0000 Yin-Yang, the sign of the two elements. Photo: iStock

Metamodernism, an intellectual movement that emerged in Europe about 10 years ago, has an ambitious goal: formulating a response to a world “that feels like it’s unraveling through climate change, culture war, bio-precarity, political corruption, and myriad economic failures.” The metamodernist community, many of them intellectuals in their 40s, share a concern about the ideological, […]

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Till debt do us part Tue, 15 Nov 2022 05:27:38 +0000 The flags of the BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – ripple in the breeze ahead of the summit. Photo: iStock

For the last 500 years, a new dominant currency – or reserve currency – has emerged in Europe roughly every hundred years. During the colonial era, Portugal, Holland, France and England all had their turn. The change from one dominant currency to the next was typically accompanied by wars and social upheaval. For much of […]

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The financial reset is near Mon, 14 Nov 2022 05:32:14 +0000

“We are in a world of irredeemable paper money – a state of affairs unprecedented in history.” – John Exter (1910-2006), economist and central banker Central banks around the world have been on a gold-buying spree. Gold purchases this year have reached 673 metric tons, more than the total amount purchased in any full year […]

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Europe united on road to its own decline Wed, 12 Oct 2022 03:30:00 +0000

In its long history, Europe has rarely been as united as it has been during the current Ukraine war. Nearly all European countries support Ukraine, as do their mainstream media. Dissenting views are rare, as are anti-war protests of the kind we saw during the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq.    Equally notable, European […]

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The world at a turning point Tue, 11 Oct 2022 09:00:00 +0000

Why is the United States concerned that Germany buys its energy from Russia? The US has no objections to Germany buying its computers from China, its motorbikes from Japan, and its cheese from the Netherlands. The last four US presidents – Bush II, Obama, Trump and Biden – had little in common but they were […]

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West follows China’s lead with its own ‘Belt and Roads’ Mon, 26 Sep 2022 05:45:00 +0000

In the past 10 years, China has built more than 100,000 kilometers of roads and railways in Africa. The massive project is part of the Belt and Road Initiative, a China-led global network of physical and digital infrastructure. Among the African BRI projects is the completion of Trans-African Highway 5 (TAH5). The highway connects Dakar […]

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